Temporary Emloyment Agency

Grow yuor business
Grow your career

Especially for you, we have expanded our website, thinking about proactive entrepreneurs and people seeking permanent or temporary employment, both in Poland and abroad. We want people cooperating with us to be aware of the opportunities open to them in the European labour market, and our associates to have full knowledge of the services provided to them.

Our offer is dedicated to all entrepreneurs, who want to continuously improve their competitiveness in the business environment. Regardless of whether you run a family business, or you are the boss of a major corporation, you are constantly looking for an opportunity for savings while maintaining full flexibility that will allow you to quickly and efficiently respond to the current needs of customers. This flexibility can be achieved by cooperating with MGsolutions Temporary Employment Agency.

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About us

MGsolutions is a Temporary Employment Agency, which is based on nearly two decades of experience of our experts in the field of employment agencies. We dedicate our services to all, both in Poland and abroad, who care about the continued improvement of their competitiveness in the business and professional environment

We offer a wide range of services in the broadly defined personnel consulting and cross-border posting of workers, adapted to the current market trends. We are distinguished by innovation as well as individual and non-conventional approach to the challenges faced by us. Often we use proprietary models of cooperation, previously not used on the European market, having a favourable recommendation of legal advisers specialising in the field of posting of workers. In relations with customers and employees, we focus on fair partnership and commitment. Particular attention is paid to the high quality of our services, the provision of which is based each time on current national and Community legislation.

MGsolutions is a company with highly qualified and committed people for whom work is a passion, and each client a new challenge!




The code of ethics was created because we believe that it is worth to try to be honest, fair and open, and it's simply worth it to be fair...

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Free consultations

The current market situation is forcing many companies to look for additional savings. MGsolutions knows that savings are worth making and are not as difficult as we might think!

If you would like to analyse your company's situation, explore the possibilities of optimising the employment and management of personnel and its working time in your company, please contact us!

We will provide information, make an analysis, and if you want to - optimise, and we will definitely recommend proven directions of change.
During the consultation, we will inform you about the possibilities of making savings of expenditures on labour costs, we will offer flexible forms of employment, allowing for adjusting the number of employees to the demand during peak periods of work and downtime. We'll give you the opportunity to save valuable time, which you want to devote to developing your business, and not on recruiting and selecting new employees. We guarantee security and assume full responsibility for the selection of an appropriate, tailor-made workforce.


Entrepreneurs looking for innovative business solutions and opportunities to optimise the cost of doing business are encouraged to become familiar with the possibilities of the application of flexible forms of employment as an alternative to traditional and outdated models. Our rich experience in cooperation with partners from different European countries, i.e. Germany, France and the UK is our undeniable advantage, and their satisfaction with levels of service is the best recommendation.

We operate in many industries, but most often we support entrepreneurs in areas such as logistics, manufacturing, food industry, finishing work, assembly work. We seek for employees for our clients for seasonal work in agriculture and horticulture, as well as for employment in care and kindergartens. The market in which we operate with success brings with many opportunities. Businesses establishing cooperation with us can count on a new reliable business partner who opens the possibility of implementing innovative solutions in the field of outsourcing and management of human resources, which at the same time will guarantee fair and professional implementation.

We would like to invite all interested in cooperation with MGsolutions to become familiar with our offer presented below.


Temporary work

Temporary work is a flexible solution providing ample opportunities of employment policy planning in the company, as well as responding to a sudden increase ...
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Personnel consulting

Personnel consulting - is part of the process of human resource management and a formalised process of recruiting people to the organisation.
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Outsourcing of processes and services

Outsourcing of processes means taking over the implementation of all or a particular part of the business process to improve efficiency.
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Outplacement is a program of professional mobilisation of people who are in the process of termination of their employment contract or are at risk of dismissal.
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Career counselling

Career counselling consists of finding a new place of employment for people with at least 1 year of professional experience.
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Na przestrzeni lat zaufało nam i skorzystało z naszego wsparcia wielu Klientów. Oferowane i wdrażane rozwiązania w znacznym stopniu pozwoliły...
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For the employee

All persons seeking permanent and temporary employment, both in Poland and other countries in the European Union, are presented with job offers, each one tailored to specific requirements and expectations. We want people cooperating with us to be aware of the opportunities which employment in our agency opens to them and have a real impact on shaping their future careers. The labour market, particularly difficult in times of crisis, still has a lot to offer and carries a whole spectrum of possibilities.

We want all candidates visiting here to find something suitable, allowing to start a new, interesting stage in their life. Our priority is that the potential employees taking risks relates to changes in working life will be sure that a strong partner is standing with them, who will take care of their interests. Job offers tailored to the employees, ongoing care of MGsolutions project coordinators, full employment legality and transparency have resulted in gaining trust and becoming a reliable employer.

MGsolutions offers jobs in companies from various industries, such as office and administrative work, logistics, shipping, manufacturing, food industry, finishing, assembly work or construction. We are also looking for workers for seasonal work in both agriculture and horticulture, harvesting fruits and vegetables.

We would like to invite all interested in cooperation with MGsolutions to become familiar with our job offers and guides!
Are you planning to work abroad? With us you can! All you need is to monitor the offers regularly appearing on our website or partner portals and apply, or simply call our office and ask about current offers. However, if this is your first trip of this kind you probably have a whole lot of questions...

To meet your needs, we decided to prepare a list of questions that you should ask the recruiter during a job interview:

• What requirements must I meet in order to take up employment on this position?
• What are the stages of recruitment?
• What documents are needed during the recruitment?
• Will I be hired under Polish or German conditions?
• Who will be my direct employer?
• When will I sign the contract? Before leaving or on location?
• Why is it necessary to be subject to the Polish legislation for 30 days before being posted abroad?
• What form of employment can you offer me and what will be my gross and net earnings?
• Do I have the right to a vacation? How long is it? Whom and how far in advance do I have to notify about wanting to use my vacation?
• When employed, am I covered by health insurance, which entitles me to free health care outside of Poland?
• When and in what currency will my salary be paid?
• Do I have to arrange a place to live or will the agency provide it for me? It is free or paid?
• What things should I bring?
• After I leave abroad can I count on the agency's support?

Ask and expect full answers, and remember that in a situation when you decide to take up employment abroad, you need to make sure first that the agency actually operates legally! What does it mean legally? You simply need to use agencies registered in the Register of Employment Agencies (KRAZ). You can easily check this by asking to see the relevant certificate. The lists of agencies are also available at www.kraz.praca.gov.pl. Information can also be obtained by phone at the Provincial Labour Offices. Before making a decision, it is also best to check at the Central Registration and Information on Business (CEIDG) or the National Court Register (KRS), whether the agency has a registered business and for how long. In addition, it is worth checking whether the agency has an official website and customer service office.

In addition, it is worth to know that the agencies may not charge prepayments, deposits and fees from persons posted to work abroad for recruitment and for identifying a foreign employer. Do not reply to job offers in the press containing only a mobile phone number!!!

Good luck in your job search!

Going to work abroad? Take care of your safety!

Developed in partnership between MGsolutions and CHUBB European Group SE, Medical Expenses Insurance will provide you with full cover for any unexpected events that may arise whilst working abroad. As one of Europe's largest insurance companies, CHUBB European Group SE guarantees, among other things:
• Full coverage of hospitalization and outpatient treatment costs up to PLN 100,000
• Personal accident insurance up to PLN 30,000
• Third party liability insurance in private life up to PLN 100,000
• Full insurance coverage including chronic diseases
• Heart attack and stroke up to PLN 30,000
• Emergency dental treatment up to PLN 6,000
• Necessary transportation of the injured person to their country of residence up to PLN 50,000
• Repair, purchase of prosthesis, glasses or aids up to PLN 1,500
• Covering the costs of a replacement person in fulfilling duties up to PLN 8,500
• Provision of necessary medicines up to PLN 1,500
• The return of the accompanying Partner and Children in case of repatriation of the Insured up to PLN 50,000
• Board and accommodation of the Insured abroad in order to convalesce up to PLN 650 per day
• Assistance of a Polish-speaking consultant
• Psychological assistance up to PLN 2,000
• Search action up to PLN 30,000
• Extensive list of medical facilities throughout Europe


Job offers

Pomocnik magazynowy (m/k/pary/gr.) - magazyn z lampami



Order Picker z uprawnieniami na wózek jezdniowy



Pracownik produkcji - Monter



Pracownik produkcji - operator wózka widłowego



Pomocnik produkcji części plastikowych - branża automotive



Pracownik produkcji warzyw - produkcja i pakowanie sałaty


Reutlingen; Straelen

Pomocnik produkcji ryb



Pomoc w laboratorium roślinnym - bez znajomości j. niem.



Pracownik fizyczny


Augsburg; Berlin; Brema; Erfurt; Frankfurt; Hanower; Magdeburg

Magazynier - dział owoce & warzywa



Pomocnik magazynowy - dział chłodnia


Bremen; Oldenburg

Magazynier - Komisjoner / Order Picker (okolice Berlina)



Pomocnik produkcji - przemysł rybny



Pracownik magazynowy



Pomocnik w pralni przemysłowej



Pracownik produkcji - ocynkownia (trawersowanie)



Pracownik produkcji części dla branży automotive


Grevenbroich; Meckenheim

Komisjoner, Order Picker - Pomocnik magazynowy


Brema; Magdeburg

Pomocnik produkcji roślin - orchidei



Pracownik produkcji napojów



Operator wózka widłowego




MGsolutions MGJJ Sp. z o. o. Sp. k. (dawniej MGsolutions Sp. z o. o.)
Ul. Skawińska 13 / 5 , 31-066 Kraków

Contact to the Recruitment Department for job seekers:

za granicą
od pn.-pt.
w godz. 9:00 - 17:00

in Poland:

od pn.-pt.
w godz. 8:00 - 16:00


Contacts for Employers and Company:

from Poland:
from abroad:

HR and Payroll Department:

For employees:
For offices and institutions:

Administration Department:

For companies and partners:
Fax: (0048)126565006

Finance Department:

For companies and partners:



Inspektor Ochrony Danych Osobowych MGsolutions MGJJ Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.:

Jan Szczepanik

Inspektor Ochrony Danych Osobowych MGcentral Justyna Gąsiorowska:

Ul. Skawińska 13 / 5, 31-066 Kraków, tel. (0048)126565001
Jan Szczepanik
*Wypełniając formularz wrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych w celach i zakresie zgodnymi z realizacją odpowiedzi na zadane zapytanie, opisanej w polityce prywatności. Wiem, że zgodę mogę w każdej chwili wycofać.
*Zapoznałem się i akceptuję politykę prywatności.
* Wymagane pola
  • gazeta praca
  • go work
  • Okap
  • igz
  • relog
  • capital
  • jobs
  • poloniusz
  • praca pl
  • pracuj.pl